05 March 2009

Freelance Design

Here's a sample of some of the stuff I've been working on. This is a concept for the direct mailer at Snyder DSS. It's meant to grab interest and keep you there on a whimsical and intriguing level. The front is home to 14 smiling orange faces and one shy purple face. On the inside it says next to big purple: "Still waiting for those pesky braces to come off? (then below) Dr. Snyder understands. That's why Snyder orthodontics offers their fastest treatment ever." Then it goes on to explain why... You get the idea. Here are the faces behind the idea.

01 March 2009

David Lynch

Film director David Lynch. Another hero of mine done in the same style.

Hannah visited this weekend. I had a great time showing her around London. Hopefully she can say the same...