05 September 2006

Athens, Greece


Well, as you could have probably guessed... I made it to Athens today. I took a 6:45AM flight out of Brussels on Virgin Air. So, that means I had to get up at 4am. Yeah. Oh, and thanks to Astrid and Stephanie I didn't get to sleep until 1am. It was fun though. My last glimpse of Mechelen, Belgium... God what a wonderful place. I can't wait to go back. I'm also going to post pics of the town and expereices from the last couple of days... when I get the chance. Cuz they have rocked.

So, I've been up for 14 hours... But it's ok, I'm running on mostly adrenaline anyway. I don't think it's really hit me that I'm actually in Greece... Greece. One of the most beautiful countries in the world... I'm there. Although the internet cafe I'm in right wouldn't be considered quite that caliber... but, it's been great thus far. I'm going to do a formal post in a while when I can figure out how to post my pics on here... but until then, nope. sorry. You're gonna have to just imagine beautiful white sand beaches, blue water, rugged cliffs and ancient ruins of the Acropolis and other Greek civilizations. do it. while you're doing that, I'm going to take a stroll outside where the women are beautiful, the air is warm and the food is even better. Until then. seeyou later


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