19 July 2006

Star Wars Supermarket

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18 July 2006

Aliens, Robots, Books and Movies


I'm alive don't worry. I've been super busy lately (or too lazy to write anything).... But things have been going pretty well lately I guess. I saw a couple more movies:

Superman Returns
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sweet and Lowdown (2000 Woody Allen and Sean Penn flick)

Capote was absolutely breathtaking. I was very moved and will definitely recommend it to anyone who appreciates great acting, storytelling and filmmaking. (Philip Seymour Hoffman deserved that Oscar)

Superman and Pirates weren't awful... But they sure weren't amazing. On some levels they were great. I loved both of em for different reasons... But, they're just fun summer blockbusters without any intention of captivating the audience through either art or intellect. I do recommend them both. But, Pirates Ye Be Warned.... they are both around 3 hours long! Yarrrrrrrg!

I attended a party for all those who participated in the Robot Movie over the 48 hour film festival. I had a great time, watched it on a big screen and got my DVD copy! Finally.... But, Let me know if you wanna see it. I'm not posting it on this site cuz i didn't make and therefore don't have the rights to do so. But I'd be more than happy to show you! It's hilarious!

I'm still reading "Rebel Without a Crew" by Robert Rodriguez... OMG, its my film Bible. He is such a cool guy and has given me such great advice through this book. It has really changed my life as a filmmaker... Wow. awesome.

I am currently writing a short script for a short film I plan on shooting in the next couple of weeks. I'm going to star in it and everything! It's about my internal power struggle in comic form. I will be making fun of my multiple personalities on screen... Hopefully it will show... Who knows. But I fleshed out some sweet ideas today and am very pleased so far. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm in the process of making it.

I bought a cd by the Secret Machines. It's called 10 Silver Drops. It's awful. It has 2 good songs and the rest aren't even worth listening to at all. But, the songs that are good, are REALLY good. But, thats just me. This just goes to show that if you hear a song on 89.3 the Current and you absolutely love it, doesn't mean you should go out and buy the entire album... I made a mistake and will never go about purchasing music like that again. I'm gonna go get my money back.

So, happy happy joy joy. Have a nice day folks!