24 May 2006

Waiting and Other Type Things

Greetings everyone,

I you all enjoyed my newest video. It was alot of fun to work on and its nice to hear so many compliments!
I sat down yesterday and composed a pretty finished idea for my next film. It's going to be another music video, however, the song is still pending. I am looking for a girl who looks or can look like a 20something. It's going to be a little musical journey through the boring work day of a recent college grad. If any of you readers are interested, or know somebody who would be willing to devote a day for the shoot, please let me know. They would get screen credit, exposure through a couple different facets on the internet and also a DVD copy. What more could you want????

ANYWAY, I had an interview the other day. It went well, but they were afraid of reminding me that they had 3 other applicants to interview. Talk about assurance... Well, I should hear from then within the next week or so. Until then, I am waiting, trying to see what kind of back-up I might be getting and trying to get some measly tasks done. It's funny how tremendously difficult it is to get anything done during this time of the year. It was painful trying to read Michael Crichton last night! Yeah, I either have ADD big time or its just the weather. It's the weather, yeah. I'll keep telling myself that.

Movies: I saw "Thank You For Smoking" the other day. What a stunner. definitely recommend. Despite some unfocused shots, I had a terrific time watching it. I had originally planned on seeing "The Promise", which was some new Kung-Fu movie. So I was initially devastated for not being able to see Ninjas, my emotions took a great turn for the best. Thank You is a feature film that slightly resembles a documentary with a terrific comedic twist. It's main character is the vice president/lobbyist of Big Tobacco. He's the talking head who promotes smoking to the teens of America. It's just terrific. See it.

I also saw "Amelie" the other day for the first time. I regret not having seen this earlier. It's quite simply one of the most charming, feel-good and creative movies I have ever seen. Moments from this French film with stay with you forever. From the amazing Lighting, Cinematography and irresistiblee perfomace by Audrey Tautou. ( I hope I spelled that right) Anyway, she is an absolute doll and I hope I meet a girl like her in Europe. Only if she lures me in like she did that photo-booth guy....

Thanks guys! See you soon!


22 May 2006

Now Playing: "Milano"

Hey Kids,

I made a movie yesterday. It's another simple story about innocence starring our very own GRACIE SNYDER! It's the music of Sigur Ros set in the forest. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.


19 May 2006

Take on Me

Here's another great video:

Broken Social Scene

Old News,
THese guys are great and so is this video:


Go Go Gadget Gospel! Whats more to say? Check these guys out, Gnarls Barkley. What do you get when you put Marvin Gaye, Moby and speed into a blender? well, probably a gross mushy pulpy Silence of the Lambs-type shake... But, if you want a neo-soul, neo-gospel change in your life, try Gnarls Barkley on for size.


I recommend this album, by this band. If you like Interpol or better yet, Joy Division, you'll love this interesting twist. Plus, they do amazing covers, so it shows their versatility. I'm sure they would be amazing in concert. Time will tell my friends.

17 May 2006

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

It's summer,

I could be basking in the Minnesotan sunlight or kicking back to the "Great Gatsby" on my back porch... Instead I choose to get lost in downtown Minneapolis 6 times, almost kill myself and several pedestrians, run a stop sign while on the phone and brake a parking meter... all for the price of a summer job.

OK, So I'm supposed to meet this Director of Photography in a bar in Mpls. I don't know what he looks like, I've spoken to him once on the phone and am not completely certain that he isn't going to kill me and steal my blood to feed his midget vampires. So, I park and I have no change. I walk over to the bar, ask for 3 dollars in quarters while these 7 foot tall bikers mumble and grumble about their exhaust pipes. I put the change in my meter and I see the time increase more and more... then, FAIL. What? Ok, So, now that my meter has failed, I walk across the street and over to Cuzzy's where I am meeting this mysterious cinematographer. I walk in once again, immediately blinded by incredibly low level of light. I wander through the few people inside and walk up to a table of strangers, asking for this guy. I ask, wait, they look, turn, then react. "Nick! Hey man, sit down!" Feeew, I wipe my brow. I hope they didn't see the basketball sized pit stains on my nifty collared shirt.

So I sit, more come. I am introduced. I feel both terrified and tremendous at home at the same time. These people talk of camera angles, actors, sets, stunts, props, damn I love this! Then, the cinematographer leans in, "Nick, how about you work with me full time this summer at my production company...It'd be full time, paid and a lot of fun... whadoya say?" I get up, scared screaming, crying and run out of the building. Right. Instead, I choose to say something even more dorky. "Wow, woa, Wowee Mr. No Way! OF course I will!" Stupid! Stupid! I felt like Disney's Goofy stumbling on all my words. Obviously he didn't care because he seemed to like me. In fact, I probably got that job. I'm very thrilled. Hope you liked my little story.

See you soon,

16 May 2006


Sigur Ros Video


So, as some of you may know, Sigur Rós is my new favorite band. This video is one of the reasons why. They are so incredibly in touch with all of the aspects of great art. Watch for the flow, progression and symbolism in this amazing video. Also, keep an open mind. This isn't for everyone. But, I love it



I can't sleep. Heres a kick ass video I found. It's a sweet song too.

Business Card

Drum roll please... This, is what I did in Starbucks yesterday while listening to my sister drool over the coffee guy. I felt that I needed to adjust and perfect my existing business card. My initial intention for the card is simply humor and remembrance. When I give this to someone, I hope that it strikes them as clever. I just need these people to remember me. If I can achieve one thing from a film acquaintance, it would probably be remembrance. I hope that I have achieved that in this card. Let me know.

Talking Heads: 77

I did this for my last graphics project. I used Adobe Illustrator to try and emulate the style of French graphic designer A.M. Cassandre. This is just a screenshot from the file. Let me know what you think.



I'm having trouble adjusting to the strict blogging criteria. There are a lot of rules and terms that one must follow in order for things to run smoothly. Yeah. Well. In due time, I will have some of those nuances figured out and everything will be A OK. Until then, here's a picture of me. Do enjoy.

First Post

This is the first post. It's mostly a test. But, today was the first real day of summer. I finally unpacked all my school-related crap. I have some interviews tomorrow with two different film related ppl. So, we'll see how that goes.
I'll do my best to make this blog as cool as I can. I'll include pictures, mp3s, and my travels, etc.
Thanks for stopping by.
