31 December 2006

Back in London


Just thought I'd let you all know that Christmas went very well at Jenna's house in Trowbridge. Her family was wonderful and made me feel right at home. I missed being at my own home, but it was very relaxing.

I'm now back in London to finish 3 essays... Hurray! So, once I finish those I'll be posting a bit more. Plus, I've aqcuired Macromedia Flash Professional 8 and have watched the training video series... Oh, the things people do over breaks and holidays... but, I've learned it pretty well and can't wait to do a bit of animating! So, watch out for those!

Until then mates... Have a great day :)

Here's an animated ball I've made...

16 December 2006

Cool Advert

Hey guys,

check this TV ad out. I saw it a few times in the cinema as a preview and thought it was pretty cool. I especially like the song. Check it out:

13 December 2006

More Sketches!

Brendan Benson:

House of Lords: (The Young Knives)

Robert Smith:

Alex Turner:

Carl Barât: (Libertines)

David Bowie:

Dave Groll:

Karen O: (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)

Mick Jagger:

04 December 2006


Bonjour Mes Amis!

So this weekend, Jenna and I traveled to "La Ville D'Amoure" of Paris France. We arrived by way of the glorious "Eurostar" train on Friday evening to "Gare du Nord" train station... which is within the Metro system, so that made it easy for us to carry on our journey. We had no plans, just to see the city... So we did.... and it was the smoothest, easiest, best and most exciting trip I've made thus far! I definitely saved the best for last... that's for sure. It also pays to travel in good company. We saw the sights (The Sacre Couer, The Louvre, The Champs Elysees, L'Arc De Triumph, The Effiel Tower, Musee D'Orsay, Notre Dame de Paris, The Moulin Rouge, cafes, restaurants, the people and the character)... It was a fully-loaded trip.

Now onto the interesting stuff... The scary stuff... Well, this one wasn't scary, it was just annoying. So, saturday morning, we were on a Paris high, we had just seen the Sacre Couer in Montmartre... cuz it was right next to our Hostel! We saw the church, walked down the steps and slopes in front of it, leading to the city... glorious view. Walking along, looking at the beautiful sights... apparently, we weren't watching where we were going... because the next thing I realized, I was the posession of a 6'7" Peddler with snaggle teeth that looked very much like Jaffar's hagged old-man alias who leads Aladdin to the Cave of Destiny in the Disney Classic. With his arms on my shoulders and a colorful string around my first finger, I was owned. And so it began... I was gifted with a view of eternal damnation. I saw through his lies. I through his bloody Hukana Matata Lies!!!! 2 minutes and 5 Euros later, I had a crappy friendship bracelet on my right wrist, forever reflecting my neglegence and obsessive infatuation with white churches...

Another highlight was seeing a street-performer with his spectical and guitar-clad marionette dance and lip-sync along with Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name Of" on the Bridge just North of Notre Dame...

It was a fantastic and exciting experience. I loved the city and the people. It was the first time that it actually felt like a European city. There was hardly a trace of Americanization... which was a breathe of fresh air... But, they have their own chains... of course... Oh, and I finally got to use the 4 1/2 years of French Education... that was actually really neat. Well, thanks for reading. Bon journée!


29 November 2006

Elderly man's rendition of "Fix You" by Coldplay

Well folks, I have a special treat for you today. This alone made my week. I really hope you enjoy it because it left me on the edge of tears. Seriously, this is so incredibly poignant that it should make Coldplay's Chris Martin rethink his performing style... take note of the oxygen mask... Do enjoy!

27 November 2006


So, I know what you're thinking... and, well, it's true. Yes, Amsterdam is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen! What else could you have possibly been thinking???
It was a great weekend. Well, mostly. First off... thank God, Zues, Buddha, everyone, because my travels this time were incredibly PAIN-FREE! I'm very happy to say that I, not once, ran into trouble getting there or coming back...
Among many of the things I did and saw this weekend, the one thing I know I did for sure was turn 21. yea. woo hoo. hip hip hurrary, what have you... What's the big deal? I spent my 21st birthday in a gorgeous town, seeing the Modern Art Museum, the Anne Frank House, eating Argentinian Steak and going to bed early... who else can say that??? Who else has EVER had some very necessary peace and quiet on their 21st birthday? I sure can't think of anyone. Most people get incredibly trashed and not even remember what happened while ruining 6 or 7 drinks because of all the sick. Gross. Not me! I remember the city and everything that was in it! And for that reason, I had a fabulous time.

In a city who's reputation is stained by college, pot-smoking frat boys and films that only promote its stigma, I didn't know what to expect from this town. I just knew it would be a cool place to turn 21. Much to my surprise, I fell in love with most parts of this town. The city structure is a wonder on its own. It's a labyrinth of canals, winding streets and well preserved flats and buildings. The streets have 3 sections. The tram section in the middle, the car sections further out and then, the bicycle lanes. Oh, the Bikes! The ratio of bikes to cars is staggering! It's something like 2:1 Bikes:Cars. I loved it. They are everywhere! And they are relentless! I was meaning to rent one, but I thought I might not be able to keep up with the pace of those really tall, really good-looking Dutch. Yeah, they are great as well. The locals are amazing. Kind, laid back, gentle and sophisticated. I can't say enough about how much I loved the locals. They were a delight to meet.
So, I had a nice trip and do hope that the tarnished view of Amsterdam won't dissuade you from visiting such a cool city!

Also, if you do enjoy soft drugs... They are legal here. There are hundreds of "Coffeshops" that offer sales and places to consume them. What was interesting to me was how they didn't stick out like sore thumbs like I thought they might. The soft-drug world and the outisde/sober world seemed to be very much in harmony. Well, I guess the pot-smokers just stay out of peoples' hair... and the plant attracts thousands of tourists each year... So they're not complaining!

But, here are some pics from my trip!

23 November 2006

Casino Royale: 007

So I saw it.
It was really good.
Very Film Noir.
It was funny, dramatic and charming.
The best Bond in a long long time.
I love Daniel Craig.
He actually makes Bond look human.
No gadgets, no fancy glamour.

Just Bond.

Go see it!

21 November 2006

Cool Video

Hey guys,

Here are a couple of cool videos I've seen in the past day. Things are going really well for me at the moment. School is getting more and more serious... with final projects looming in the distance... But I'm hanging in there. Here's something to whet your palette until Amsterdam this weekend!

The first is a video from the Vancouver Film School:

This next video is of the Cure performing one of my newest favourites by them...

Cheers folks!

12 November 2006

Pan's Labyrinth


I know I posted something today already, but I just came accross this trailer. Let's just say that I haven't goosebumps like this since watching the trailer for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers... This is the kind of filmmaking I want to get into. Beautiful fantasies with stories that are not just for kids... I hope to see this film at midnight! I'm such a dork. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I have... Here it is:


Hiya folks,

Well, I must inform you of my most recent adventure. During this episode, your brave explorer traveled to "The Most Cultural City in Europe 2008" of Liverpool. This time, his beautiful assistant accompanied him as he delved into the lives of the city's most famous sons... The Beatles! Well, delve would NOT be the word to use. Instead... visited their city and saw one attraction would be more appropriate. But, it was very enjoyable and fulfilling. We did the "Beatles Story" museum at Albert Dock in Liverpool Merseyside. Here, we meandered through a labrynth of original Beatles instruments on a chronological journey through their lives narrated by Paul McCartney, Brian Epstein and many others. It was fabulous to say the least. I saw some original guitars... a perfect replica what the "Cavern Club" and its connecting "Matthew Street" would have looked like back in 1958 where the Beatles played over 250 times... and a authentic pair of John Lennon's glasses that he wore during the filming and recording of "Imagine". It was very very well done. I also purchased a road sign of "Penny Lane" for £4.99.... WELL worth it!

Unfortunately, we were not able to see the sites where John, Paul, George and Ringo grew up... I wanted to... but the bus tickets sold out for the tour... and, it later that night, Liverpool's finest weather pissed down on us and blew us out of our "wellies"... So, next time. But, we did have a nice pub meal and saw the town. So, it was worth it.

Now I'm back and I have laundry, cleaning, finances, e-mails, registration and an ESSAY to attend to. I bid you Adieu.

Oh, my pics this time are a bit rubbish.... save for one... you'll know... John Lennon did this in a pic in front of the Statue of Liberty....

06 November 2006

Pages from My Sketchbook

Here are a few samples from the sketchbook I have been so diligently keeping over here:

05 November 2006

More London


Well, the dust has finally settled from the Stampede that was this weekend. My 3 friends from school back in DePere, WI USA visited and also brought their 2 roommates... much to my surprise... For I had merely one bed and a single room to offer them... But, somehow, we managed to cram 5 grown men into a very tiny room. 2 on the bed and 3 on the floor. I'm just glad I was able to sleep on my flatmate's floor! Luckily for them we didn't spend a whole lot of time in the room or flat... We spent most of it galavanting around Foggy London town... which happened to be the nicest and suniest weekend I have seen sicne being here! It's finally turned to fall and it's just beautiful out... Very suitable weather for my USofA friends. Here are some pics from the weekend:

...The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, Me passing from the Muggle world into the Magical World of Harry Potter, The Tower Bridge at Night, Southside of Westminster Bridge, North bank of the Thames, Changing of the Guard, More Trafalgar Square Action!, St. Pancras Tube Station, and My First Love: "Stella"....