04 February 2009

let the pencil do the thinking.

Start with the eyes on a character and work your way out from there. No erasing, no going back, make it up as you go. This is a type of drawing I like to do from time to time. It's the type of drawing that tattooed so many of my school notebooks and planners. But recently, I've been deliberately doodling like this in predetermined places - like notebooks! But it's a fun technique to use. By not glancing at a subject and focusing intently on the drawing, I can get to an almost meditative-like state that allows me to "let the pencil do the thinking". You can arrive at some pretty incredible places if you take on this perspective when you draw. I also feel that it is something you can channel into the real world. In an empathic manner, put your entire self into someone else and walk in their shoes/sandals/boots. Drawing can be wonderfully therapeutic.

"Who will put flowers on a flower's grave?" -- Tom Waits

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