06 June 2006

Welcome to the Machine

Hello my Friends,

I just entered the corporate world. I am currently writing you from my brand new computer, in my brand new cubicle of my brand new job. I started an internship at Hoffman Communications yesterday as the Production Intern. They are a media and video production company. They create, execute and produce big time company events, videos and other things like that.

My first day was pretty dece. I met like 75 people and remembered maybe 2 names. I'm the only intern, so it feels like starting middle school all over again. You walk into lunch, look around while concentrating on your stride and the texture of your brown paper lunch bag. You're so completely paranoid that you think everybody around you is looking and gossiping about you. Well, it wasn't to that extreme, but you get the idea. Everybody was really nice and it was a great first day. I spent most of it witnessing a Spanish dub of a Dairy Queen training video at a recording studio in Mpls. Today I get to reorganize their video library. Yay!

Tonight I go to Cuzzy's again... We have another 48-hour film festival meeting. We'll see how that goes. I'll be sure to inform you of my experience.

Here's what I've been up to:

Book: Michael Crichton's State of Fear
Music: Editors, TV on the Radio, U2's 2000 release "All That You Can't Leave Behind"

I am raping the Galaxie Library of its CDs... and I love it.

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